References: UNESCO

Batisse, Michel. The UNESCO Water Adventure, from Desert to Water... 1948-1974: From the “Arid Zone Programme’to the’International Hydrological Decade.” Paris: UNESCO, 2005.
Council, National Research, Policy and Global Affairs, Development Affairs Security, and Cooperation Policy and Global, and Committee for Survey and Analysis of Science Advice on Sustainable Development to International Organizations. Knowledge and Diplomacy: Science Advice in the United Nations System. National Academies Press, 2003.
Selcer, Perrin. The Postwar Origins of the Global Environment: How the United Nations Built Spaceship Earth. Columbia University Press, 2018.
UNESCO. Water, People and Cooperation: 50 Years of Water Programmes for Sustainable Development at UNESCO. UNESCO Publishing, 2015.
“International Symposium to Commemorate 25 Years of the IHD,” n.d.